My Kind of Kondangan
Kondangan bukan hal yang asing buatku di umur – umur ini. Ya, I just realized I’m getting older as the birthday invitations turn into wedding invitations. Hahaha. Saking banyaknya undangan datang, sebut saja kondangan jadi hobi hihihi. Sebagai cewek yang tak pernah dianggap cewek, dan sekarang semakin berusaha berpenampilan cewek atau kasarannya disebut menthel dandan ke kondangan bukan hal yang asing. Biasa lah kalo cuma dinyinyirin, I don’t care ~ Tomboy salah, belajar feminim salah. Ah ben terserah ~ Hahaha...

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A Letter to Ali
   Don't know what I am thinking suddenly write about  this guy's birthday. Happy 22nd birthday mo Haaha my crazy classmate, Ali Ahmad Baiquni who was born in October 10th , 1992. I will write what I wanna write about him, I mean every single thing I know about this guy.    He was my classmate, in 3rd year, who once being my friend's boyfriend. Our class life was seriously crazy, how could my friends linked me with someone else's...

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Willkommen in der Weltmeister Deutschland! :))
   Since 12 years ago, I decided to love this team. That was the moment when I was a sick kid. I'm dying to love football and Germany. In World Cup Final 2002, Oliver Khan who was the keeper can't deny the power of Brazilian player, Ronaldo. Ah, it was soo long time ago 2- 0 for Brazil victory. I have no idea back then. Talking about 2002, Miroslav Klose, our lovely legend won the silver medal as Germany was...

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20 Things That Happened In My 20’s
   Around the age of 20's, the most crucial stage for us. Being in such transition from teen age to adult, it's a hard stage but we have to be there. In the age of 20's many important decision made and we have to be responsible of everything we're going to do. The so called maturity for us starting from this 20th age, gives many new experiences and surprises of the things we've never had before. 1. Being an essay...

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City That Never Sleep
    This city I used to live in, not in the city actually but in the suburb that makes me miss all of the things over and over.  I used to go here and there, in the city that never sleep, Jakarta. I miss my way to go to work, for awhile I get angry of all the annoying things. The other side, those are the things that remind me of everything. The guts to say, I hate that...

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A Confession of a Jobless Girl
I love rain :) When it’s raining people tend to be honest and willing to remember any of those painful yet the thing they miss the most. Same as mine, I get that kind of resounding memory syndrome too. The thing is, I write down all the things that come in mind without filtering them during this resound rain writing. I put the earphone in left ear while the right ear can hear those calm sound of raining outside. And...

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Balada Jomblo
  Jomblo, dosa? Ah, enggak kok jadi jomblo gak dosa. Tapi serba salah pasti iya. Menyandang status ini dan sekarang 22, gapapa daripada kejeblos sama orang yang salah hayoo Yaudah sih ya, kalo jodoh nanti pasti ketemu juga. Perjalanan jadi seorang jomblo bukannya tanpa masalah, ibarat peribahasa “rumput tetangga lebih hijau” yang jomblo mikir punya pasangan bakal bahagia dan seru, nah yang punya pasangan nganggep jomblo lebih bebas dan merdeka HAHAHA yaudah tukeran aja sana!    Sebagai jomblo, bergaul dengan...

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The Reason Why I’m a Sleepaholic ~
   Nggi, kamu ini cewek apa kebo sih? Di mana mana kerjaan tidur melulu. Mungkin ini kalimat yang sudah orang sering katakan. And I dont care hahaha Iya untuk ukuran kebiasaan tidur bisa dibilang sangat akut. Dari jaman bocah sih, kalo ada hal yang membosankan mending tidur. Jaman SMP sering begadang, tidur paling kalo lagi ada kelas kosong. Masih sopan kebiasaan ngebonya di rumah. Beda dengan jaman SMA, masuk sekolah di kelas yang disuruh bapakku dan kebiasaan cuek tidur dimanapun...

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Dear Mr Stranger ~
5 minutes for a weekend, during Kebayoran till Tenabang.. Dear mr. Stranger, who's wearing blue polo shirt and chino pants We're just 5 cm apart when another passengers get down before us. It's only 5 minutes but thanks to you moodbooster, I get my mood today :D Whats between us remains silence, no wonder because we're just strangers.. It's hard to show even a smile, the only friendly sign you can give.. Since we're side by side and have no...

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Dear Crush
Hello dear friend of mine, your way of coming was so manipulative that I can't even smell your aim.. I didnt realize if your way turn out to be like this.. You're making distance between us.. You're turning into a huge ice wall after making me fall Have you get bored of me? Or have you done with the game you started with me? I am stupid, easy and now just a mess you're leaving after breaking Where are those...

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