Please Say Yes
Please Say Yes Please say yes when I ask you will you come to see me Please say yes when I’m asking your opinion about the things I’m getting confused Please say yes when I tell you not to mention another girl’s name in front of me Please say no when she comes again asking you to come back to her Please say no when she wants you to win her And please say no to every wishes she tells...

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I Realize
Listening and giving a thought of Maher Zain's song " For The Rest of My Life" which tells a song from a husband to her wife, I realize some important lessons to take.. As a girl who never give a good thought of marriage, it would be great If I'd be waken up from the reality when I meet my man someday in the future. Giving a thought of it I just have no idea which one will lead me...

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The Perks of Being Boyish
   Was born in such neighbourhood full of boys is one of the things that turn me this way, beside my hobby that differs me from other girls in the neighbourhood. I do love football than playing a doll. Prefer to wear something simple than dressing my body in such girly clothes. Those are the things I’ve done for my childhood lifetime, playing football, sinking my body across the river, field and unfamiliar places for girls. I even had fight...

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Balada Anak Motor
   Magang di daerah yang dekat rumah dan bisa ditempuh kurang dari satu jam membuatku memutuskan mending gausah kos daripada ngah ngoh bingung. Secara kebanyakan kosan di Temanggung ga ada tipi, sedih kali, kalopun ada kosannya mahal kan mending nglaju aja jadi anak gaul motor. Rumah di Grabag dan ada tebengan Mbak Nafiz, lumayan daripada sendirian alhamdulillah ada temen berangkat pulang. Jadilah kami tebeng - tebengan sekian bulan, dari November sampai Maret ini masih berjalan. Jadi pengendara motor dengan kesepakatan...

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Learning The Language of Germany :D
   Being stuck in this " pre-governmental work" and have free time during my daily work, I used the free time to learn languages I want to learn during high school but didnt get the chance to learn *call it an excuse*. Yes, it's Deutsch, a wellknown German Language. The app I use based on the recommendation is Duolingo and get it installed in my phone too.    In Duolingo, there are several foreign languages can be learned, such as...

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Surat Untuk Si Tampan
Si tampan, namanya, laki - laki yang keTimur tengah-an parasnya Tutur katanya santun, nyaris tiada cela Pandangannya selalu tertunduk ketika bertegur sapa Suaranya teramat lirih, nyaris tak terdengar olehku, beda sekali dengan suaraku yang nyaris memekakkan gendang telinga Dia terlihat datar, tapi berpapasan saja sudah membuat jantungku nyaris pindah dari letaknya Aku lupa caranya menjadi diriku sendiri Aku lupa terlihat normal di depannya Selalu salah tingkah dan merah padam karena malu bertemu Selalu membuat diri sendiri malu Selalu bingung antara...

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Dear Mr Faraway from my Land
There's a time when I can fall for a stranger,  a man from faraway distance outside my country so far away from the reach of my hand.. I don't even know him in real life, just a virtual life we used to share I call him Mr. Faraway from my Land I'm dying to come seeing you there, I wonder how the snow falls in your land, how the spring makes your day, how the lovely summer burn your skin,...

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City That Never Sleep
    This city I used to live in, not in the city actually but in the suburb that makes me miss all of the things over and over.  I used to go here and there, in the city that never sleep, Jakarta. I miss my way to go to work, for awhile I get angry of all the annoying things. The other side, those are the things that remind me of everything. The guts to say, I hate that...

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Yang Membuatku Rindu Pendakian
Perjalanan dengan berjalan kaki yang jauh dalam kebersamaan Rintik rintik hujan yang sempat memporak porandakan kesenangan canda tawa dan kesantaian berjalan Muka – muka yang mulai kelelahan Keringat bercucuran dan nafas yang semakin terengah saat jarak mulai jauh dari peradaban Langkah terseok atau merangkak karena jalur yang licin tak karuan Tawa sakit dan perih tapi geli karena bergelimpangan jatuh tergelincir Canda tawa di sekeliling camp yang dipenuhi gemerutuk suara gigi karena kedinginan Potong memotong bahan makanan dan masak bersama dengan...

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Being Immortal
   Nothing lasts forever in this world, and no one will live forever. That’s true. But what about writing? Whats up with writing? There’s some saying, “ By writing you’ll become immortal.” Believe it or not you’ll become Immortal by writing, and I’m totally agree with this saying. People may live and die, but memories last, and one of them is the written one. Believing this saying and my wanting to keep memories alive, then I remember my past trips...

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