Kisah Cinta Sepatu ~
Kita adalah sepasang sepatu Selalu bersama tak bisa bersatu Kita mati bagai tak berjiwa Bergerak karena kaki manusia Aku sang sepatu kanan Kamu sang sepatu kiri Ku senang bila diajak berlari kencang Tapi aku takut kamu kelelahan Ku tak masalah bila terkena hujan Tapi aku takut kamu kedinginan Kita sadar ingin bersama Tapi tak bisa apa-apa Terasa lengkap bila kita berdua Terasa sedih bila kita di rak berbeda Di dekatmu kotak bagai nirwana Tapi saling sentuh pun kita tak berdaya...

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" Are you dumb? Why do you think I came here? Coming here in a bus for 6 hours, staying here for just 3 hours then going back for 6 hours in the bus again. Why do you think I did that? I think you know it too.. But this time, I should say it clearly. Since this year is almost over, I cant do an one-sided love for 2 years, you know. I like you, thats why I came...

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When Zombie Leaves Her Phone
   Zombie, this named after the people who use commuter but can't live without their phones, keep wearing headphone or playing games and ignore surroundings..This kind of zombie, feeling insecure everytime they're far from their phones..And sometimes I become like this. Hahaha.. What happens when a zombie leaves her phone? Insecure, alone, "pahpoh" have no entertainment and feeling confused. You have to try keeping your cellphone, i mean smartphone that so many times make you stupid far from your reach....

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Dear Crush
Hello dear friend of mine, your way of coming was so manipulative that I can't even smell your aim.. I didnt realize if your way turn out to be like this.. You're making distance between us.. You're turning into a huge ice wall after making me fall Have you get bored of me? Or have you done with the game you started with me? I am stupid, easy and now just a mess you're leaving after breaking Where are those...

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Falling in Love at the Train Station
   Train Station, a very familiar place to me since months ago.. Everyday I use commuterline to get into my working place. Started from October, I became a commuterline user wohoho, there are various stories you can have everyday as a user. You will never lack of stories as a commuter user, the train schedule that sometimes bring your mood down, seeing how people nowadays in this society, their habits, your social interaction with various people in every station you're...

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Riau, the smokey haze
   Havent I told you about my times I spent in Riau? Hahahah it was very veryyyy looong time to bethrough alone. I went to Riau from Jakarta at 6 o colck flight to Riau.. I was the most miserable girl in airport I think, I had to go there alone without partner.. Ooooh I'm so sick of this The person from regional office of N#^%& the politic party I can't mention whose financial report became my responsibility came to...

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Jadi Anak STAPALA itu
Jadi Anak STAPALA itu.. Banyak banget Trade off nya, dimulai dari sebelum jadi anggota ada diklatnya. Dari jadi siswa diklat pun kamu harus siap mengorbankan kepentingan lainnya demi memprioritaskan tujuan jadi anggota STAPALA. Dijauhi, dibully, diledek, disindir dan dicaci pun tak jarang terjadi karena mereka menganggap kita terlalu cinta kegiatan ini. Ya, mau masuk STAPALA itu kan pilihanmu mau orang ngomong ini itu sudah jadi resikonya. Kamu kehilangan orang – orang terdekat sebelumnya? Bisa jadi iya, tapi kalau mereka memang...

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Kata orang anak perempuan yang bisa sahabatan sama bapaknya itu seru banget, dan kenyataannya emang iya. Dilahirkan sebagai anak pertama dan perempuan satu2 nya dari sekian saudara kandung adalah salah satu faktornya. Tak ada sungkan atau hubungan yang terlalu kaku begitulah aku dan bapak. Untuk urusan sekolah beliau sangat keras mendidikku saat kecil, tapi saat beranjak remaja kenakalan2 dan bandelnya anak perempuanpun dipahaminya. Puber, cerita cinta ataupun ini itu meskipun tak pernah kuceritakan bapak pasti paham. Untuk urusan antar jemput,...

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My Graduation
Hello,23 Oktober akhirnya wisuda juga di SICC .Butuh perjuangan dengan nyaris ga tidur demi penampilan memukau #tsaah foto sama orangtua akhirnya bagus wkwkwk   Bergerombol di kos Paus B1 no 7 yang sudah selama tiga tahun dihuni dan bakal ngangeniiin banget ini kami dirias,dempul sana dempul sini.Tapi sedihnya kami ga sempat foto bareng dulu L Merasa fail adalah bawa kamera SLR tapi dibawa bapak dan masuk ke auditorium Cuma bawa hape buluk aaaaa Untung ya tinggal senyum saana senyum sini...

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A Letter You Will Never Read
Hai,you came again so easily.. I let you walk in to my life one more time. I don’t know why I’m being this stupid,letting the person that once said “had no intention in me” came in and swayed me again. One afternoon on Saturday, September 14th I remember we suddenly  started to spend our time together. I was careless,I forgot not to bring my heart into this game. You walked in and being so intense,asking me to accompany you wherever...

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