Corona causes many chaos in the beginning of new decade, this 2020 and still going. As for me, an actively moving person, to see the earth facing the pandemic is something painful. It was such a completely different condition now. We are facing pandemic globally, not just in China or Asia the beginning of the outbreak first happened but globally like most of countries now have it. Speaking of the pandemic, humanity and the paranoid people have to see the news of how fast things spread, we could be the one who being the help or the one causing it. Not many realized that minimalizing interactions is important things to do. To be honest, for a sociable person like me it turns out to be suck. Suckest thing ever. My city is safe but I don’t know how safe since now its getting serious worldwide.
Lockdown is getting near to our daily life, or maybe the other option will be chosen started from another country who experience worse case, to my country now starting to do the social distancing campaign and stay at home thing. As the newly arise case here, we have to learn from the countries who have been in the crisis to handle the corona case. But I don’t think our people are ready enough. In the city like Jakarta, people who get the information to do social distancing go to Puncak (an area in Bogor who’s famous for its tourism) to have their holiday. It’s sick! Some people are just ignorant. we just help each other to get this over soon?

I help the society by staying at home, and read more books
Some people who’s getting work from home use the chance to go to their hometown. It’s sick. But I don’t know what the reason, just dont get it why they are thinking just for their own good without considering others more, am sorry but this is selfish. And as the person who stay, watching some who take advantages and do the moving,kinda brokenhearted I feel you too guys. I don’t get the logic of using family as excuses, we have our families we wanna see too. But whatever it is, let’s try to stay sane by not doing things like that. We could never pass the crisis If most of people think of taking advantages given and not trying to stop being so mobile. How it feels sucks to see em keep doing it move here and there, we don’t know who bring the virus anyway.
Spending time in quarantine, working from home thing should make me have more idea to spend time inside. As an extrovert, it’s a hard thing to do, socializing is our main thing, meeting people, chatting, going out and spending time with others are definitely prohibited things to do. And the same time work from home started, I broke up. That gave me more stress than before. I keep myself sane by listening to more podcasts or finish watching Netflix series and such. Let’s keep our sanity dear extroverts pals, we can get through this. I am almost running out on idea of how to enjoy the quarantine, thanks to the work I still have even from home, study to do online, some writing and vlog to be edited and language i was learning to be learnt again. I start my daily activities with a stiff body, take some stretching to do, short zumba when my mood is on, then enjoy each ship of my tea or coffee in my landlord hydroponic area in our rooftop, doing my work and spend some more time exploring my cooking and such. Thank God I feel better.

cooking for this quarantine things
Having job who can pay the bills even after the crisis, and able to spend time without worry of what I should eat later is such privilege to get. Many things happen in this corona crisis show people true colors, some are just selfish and taking advantages while some others could be the light in others dark day. Let’s choose to be the second kind, help others who are in need since economy are slowing down after the quarantine things start and many business have fallen since, people who got work and paid daily are the ones having more struggle, and us who have the better conditions should be the one who help them. I am so touched to see the celebrity and influencers who are able to do some campaign for the healthcare workers who are on the frontline to fight this pandemic, some inspire more people to do good things in helping others fight the crisis. As an ordinary citizen, me and my friends try to do things we can do to help those in needs too, buying the lunch for people who work in ojek online, doing charity with friends to the society, donate from some fundraisers we know, join some organizations on the acts also part of us who work from home helping in this crisis.

keeping my sanity in the middle of stay at home
After all this time, we should try to help on each other to overcome the crisis, because one can’t do this alone. Having the risk of unable to go back to my hometown in Idul Fitri made me sad enough, let’s just do good things right and wish this corona season end sooner. Check up on your friends and family more often, who knows someone maybe lonelier than us, keep up the positive thoughts and do more things on our own part.
Have a good Sunday from my rooftop guys!
Keadaan ini membuat banyak perubahan ya. Kita pun harus selalu berusaha menikmati hari supaya tidak bosan 🙂
harus pinter pinter cari kegiatan juga ya mbak, sedih banget kalo bayangin corona ini belum usaai dan efeknya cepet banget kerasa :”
Iya benar, pandemic corona ini telak memperlihatkan siapa kita. Yang egois dan yang berjiwa sosial. Amit-amit deh, semoga segera berlalu. Sudah bosan juga dengan rasa kuatir ini..
Semoga semua segera membaik, kasihan yang terdampak sedunia semua negara kerepotan, apalagi pekerja harian yang sehari hari harus kerja buat makan. Pedih hati ini liatnya, semoga seheraa corona usai 🙁
So many things has change in this situation, and also I feel the same like you. Just try to find way to enjoy my house life hehe
iyaa sis semoga semogaaaa segera keadaan membaik untuk semua dan corona segera musnah, ketemu vaksinnya. Amiiiin harus kreatif ini mah di rumah mau apa apa
sedih banget dengan keadaan saat ini, semoga kondisi ini gerea berlalu dan kita semua selalu diberi kesehatan dan keselamatan yaa
mencelos hati ini mbak liat efek corona, semoga semua segera membaik dan pandemic segera usai 🙁
So true.… Staying at home can be very challenging for some people, including me. But I know that we have to do it because that will benefit everyone. Not only me, my family, but also others. So I think we can always do a lot of stuff at home to keep us busy, productive, and happy. Stay healthy and safe
Yesss, iya banget mbak. We have to think this for many people, not just us and our own family :” Hope this virus will be gone soon and the world in good condition again. :”
My beautiful girl is an active person. Dia baru 5 th dan merasakan berat banget. Cuma bisa ngintip2 teman dari rumah, nggak bisa main lagi ke tetangga. Sering bilang :”parah ini, parah ini.” Sepintas lucu kata-katanya, tp aslinya menyedihkan. Saya berharap semoga ini cepat selesai. Orang-orang sudah pada nggak tahan. Apalagi mereka yg harus bekerja, sedang hari ini jadi nggak bisa makan.
Iya mbak, kita yang orang dewasa aja bosan apalagi anak kecil yang lagi seneneg sneengnya main ya. Semoga semua segerea berlalu ya. Aku sedih liat yang pekerja harian ga bisa makan, boro boro mikir corona, besok makan apa aja harus dipikirin. Semoga semua segera berlalu ya Allah 🙁
Selain melakukan aktivitas yang bisa bikin mood terjaga dan gak bosen di rumah, juga kalau ada kelebihan membantu org lain di luar sana yang gak punya privilige utk stay at home atau WFH ya mbak. Nice sharing.
iya mbak, mau ga mau harus mulai kreatif nyari kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan di tengah stay at home. Semoga semua segera berakhir ya mbak harus banyak bersyukur dan saling bantu kalo di masa kaya gini mah :”
Suka sekali sama taplak mejanya mbaa. Cantik. Aku malah belum merasakan di rumah aja nih selama 6 hari kerja mba. Jadi tetap melakukan kegiatan seperti biasanya. Hanya saja sekarang kalau dah beres kerjaan ya langsung pulang gak maen-maen. Hehe.
Jaga kesehatan untuk semua
Iya mba ini taplak di kosan hehe. Semangat semoga selalu sehat mau wfh ataupn wfo ya mba 🙂
First of all, i expect WFH gonna be like holiday. Yeaayy. But, i expected to much. WFH is more than that. We have to dealing with more things. I have to manage stress too. So, i can say WFH is challenging.
WFH is more chalenging than holiday karena terbatas ya mbak ruang geraknya, tapi apapun itu semoga selalu sehat ya :”)
hoping this wfh will bring more experience to us to improve our skill at home :”)
Setelah membaca semua artikel ini dari awal sampai akhir, mata saya terpaku pada bantaran hidroponik. Uuuuh … suka gak tahan melihatnya. Menyegarkan pisan ^_^
Berdiam di rumah tentu harus kreatif ya hehehe
seger ya mas liat ijo ijoo kebun sayuran 😀
Somehow people who were coming back to their village isn’t about taking advantage. They didn’t have more possibility to stay at their place in town. No job, no money, what can they do in this case? Thank God we can still do more than them.
We can only pray for the best, hope this difficult situation will be better at soonest.
Not all people, some people who get fully paid do that using the wfh malah mudik padahal sebgaian sudah menahan nahan diri stay at home di perantauan. Sungguh disesalkan padahal keadaannya berkecukupan :”)
Sebetulnya sebagian dari mereka yang pulang kampung karena memang nggak ada pilihan. Ada yang kehilangan kerjaan dan ga ada uang buat bertahan hidup. Kita mesti melihat dari berbagai sisi. Semua ini tentang bertahan hidup. Nggak semua orang mau peduli sama mereka yang di rantau. Semoga semua ada jalan keluarnya.
Iya mba untuk yang keadaan ini paham banget pulang adalah pilihan. Sayang sekali sebagian ga pandai bersyukur diberikan wfh dan keadaan tidak urgent dengan gaji tetap namun ga menjaga diri malah ikut ambil untung dari keadaan :”)
Yes rite, lockdown make we can start more activity that postponed, enjoying with kids, cooking, watching television and gardening also. Stay healty for us