Balikpapan, kota tersibuk di Kalimantan ini tak pernah kehabisan referensi tempat nongkrong bagi para muda mudinya. Coffee shop adalah tempat yang paling mudah ditemui di kota ini. Ruko Pasar Segar Balikpapan Baru adalah salah satu lokasi terfavorit untuk menghabiskan waktu sekedar untuk nongkrong, ngobrol atau sekedar tempat janjian. Di kawasan Ruko ini terdapat banyak tempat makan, cafe dan berbagai toko berjajar rapi. Bahkan ada butik butik dan juga tempat latihan muay thai di kawasan ini.
Balikpapan, the busiest city in Borneo never stop having references for the young to hangout. Coffee shop is the easiest place to be found in the city. Pasar Segar Block in Balikpapan Baru is one of the most favourite to spend time, chitchating or meetup place. In the area there are various eating spot, cafe, shops. There’s also clothes store and even muay thai training camp there.
Balikpapan, the busiest city in Borneo never stop having references for the young to hangout. Coffee shop is the easiest place to be found in the city. Pasar Segar Block in Balikpapan Baru is one of the most favourite to spend time, chitchating or meetup place. In the area there are various eating spot, cafe, shops. There’s also clothes store and even muay thai training camp there.
Etnica coffee & kitchen adalah cafe yang ingin kureview kali ini, terletak persis di sebelah Coffee Talk, aroma persaingan terbuka terlihat jelas di sini. Menu yang ditawarkan di cafe ini hampir sama dengan coffee shop kebanyakan di Balikpapan lainnya. Ada banyak aneka minuman berbau kopi bagi para pecintanya untuk dinikmati di sini, selain kopi cemilan ringan untuk sekedar menemani ngobrol juga tersedia.
Etnica coffee & kitchen is the lucky cafe I’m reviewing this time, located right beside Coffee Talk, competition atmosphere is easily being felt. Menu offered in the cafe almost the same with another coffee shop in Balikpapan. There are various coffee menu for coffee addict to taste here, beside there’s also small bites food for chilling all night.
Take your coat and come out,
See me at the cafe,
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