Postcrossing Again!
Having stopped for months since I need time to adapt in this new place, now I've found again my mood to do the postcrossing. Eventhough I've lost many postcards that supposed to come to me, I got one from my highschool mates. At least I'm happy that I get postcard sent to me. Sunny day, burning sunlight couldn't stopped me from going to the post office, riding motorcycle and be happy finding the orange building standing in the city. It's...

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Zdravstvuyte, Russia
Waking up from such hectic end of March which makes us work overnight for the las 4 days of this month, hearing a good news from my postcard is good. It's from Anna in Russia, my travelling postcard arrived after travelling 8.482 km in 43 days. Wow, daebak, it's more than one month and arrive safely. Well, I plan to go to post office by this Saturday. I'm going to ask where my postcards are. Ah, God, why is the...

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