Welcoming The Second Awesome Quarter
   First quarter life is the most important phase to me, born, growing up experiencing many things, tortured, broke, happy, filled up with tears, laugh and joy. First quarter is the most childish age yet the happiest to happen and saying goodbye to it seems a little kicking me inside. Hard times happened several time, the upside down world of mine too. I am enough with being immature all the time. The new second quarter I hope will be the...

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Being a Quarter of Century Age!
Waking up not so early and hear no phone ringing, the birthday notifications came from the member card I used to register, Pands, Kaskus, and several others. How iritating! I don't really into birthday girl but after time to time having friends who celebrate. I tend to do so. As the clock ticking, the birthday wishes flooding in many chat groups, parents sending message and many more. And it's raining hard today hahaha what a day! Being a quarter of...

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Being 24
Being twenty something this year means so much to me It's the first time I get stable job, get my own income and I don't have to depend on my parents money anymore It's like a starting point where I should become a new better me I don't want to involve in more people drama I'm sick and tired of those suck love stories of mine too that always go wrong It's too tiring anyway  Coming to office this morning,...

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Happy Belated Birthday “Wanita Karir”
Happy birthday my dearest bestie, Reni Windari A career woman nowadays that I can rarely see Hey dear, hope your days will be brighter after entering the gate of new age.. I know you are living in a cruel city with selfishness inside its daily But you are staying strong as expected Doing everything you can by yourself Leaving the happy college life and parting ways it's breaking me apart that I can't see you as often as before Just...

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Happy 22, Fikamia :*
   Hai anak mamak Beacukai, hari ini ulang tahun ke 22 ya akhirnya. Lagi lagi dan selalu aku lebih tua setahun darimu. Apakabarmu di sana, dengan status dan tempat tinggal yang jauh beda dari tahun lalu? Kerja di instansi yang berjiwa korsa dengan seragam gantengnya di pusat peradaban ibukota, gimana rasanya? Pasti seru kaan :" Beda banget kan sama tahun 2014 kemarin, kita masih sama sama pengangguran dan digantung penempatan. Time flies ya, kayanya baru kemaren kita sekelas selama 3...

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Happy Birthday 933!
Hello, ini namanya Diah Cahyaningrum, atau lebih dikenal Arum. Cewek yang sekarang akhirnya masuk ke umur 23 ini adalah sahabat paling deket, partner in crime kalo di posko STAPALA. Nama rimbanya Bogem 933/SPA/2011, sedangkan aku Bangsal 975/SPA/2012, jarak nomornya lumayan jauh ya. Hahaha harusnya aku juga dilantik bareng Bogem, tapi malah keluar dan ngulang diklat tahun berikutnya. Sebenarnya sama kacaunya aku sama Bogem ini, tapi dia ga keliatan galau dan selalu ceria. Padahal sebenernya banyak kejadian yang ga keliatan dari...

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Happy Birthday to You
Hey you there, who's faraway from sight The person who disappear in a thin light The person whom I don't know the latest life The person I can't even see in a close distance The person who's separated by ocean and continent to my place The person I wanna know the news The person I wanna talk to The person I wanna give a round guide when going here The person I can't mention the name but it's him The...

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Thankyou for The Belated Things
   4 days after my birthday, there comes these girls of mine who bring me present. I'm really happy, being 23 doesnt mean stop getting present hehehe. Thankyou my girls, geng 533 for the belated present I'm looking for lately, a black peplum for attending the wedding by the end of this week. I'd love to wear it soon,   With love Anggi Restiana Dewi

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Selamat Setengah Abad Bapaaaak :)))
  Selamat setengah abad bapaaak Bambang Santosa Biarpun sekarang ompong dan mulai menua, semoga selalu sehat ceria dan bahagia Panjang umur dan selalu dilimpahi berkah Nya Bapak yang dulu keras kalo ngajarin anaknya belajar Bapak yang pingsan masuk ruang perawatanku waktu sekarat dulu Bapak yang selalu setia ngantar jemput anaknya les sampai malam Yang bawa barang dagangan bolak balik pake gerobak bermotornya Yang kehilangan kesempatan bekerjanya karena aku Yang belum bisa kubahagiakan Yang dulu sempat menyuruhku jadi guru padahal bukan...

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