Hello Busy Sydney! (Australia Trip Part 2)
   Leaving Perth, now the next city is Sydney. Busy City in New South Wales but turn out to be most favourite place to stay during the trip. Here is the itinerary done for the trip :"> Day 6 [caption id="attachment_1344" align="aligncenter" width="528"] the famous Three Sisters[/caption] Second city to go, Sydney! Baru sejam sampaiudah bikin kesalahan, mungkin karena kelelahan dan masih jetlag setelah flight lewat tengah malam aku naik kereta dari airport langsung ke Museum Station T.T $16 AUD...

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Dilema jadi Pecinta Alam Cewek
Mendaki gunung adalah kegiatan berbau alam yang paling lekat dengan identitas kelompok pecinta alam bagi sebagian besar orang. Padahal kegiatan kelompok pecinta alam tak melulu perjalanan pendakian, ada arung jeram, caving, bahkan panjat tebing, kegiatan social terkait penanaman hutan bakau dan sejenisnya pun bisa juga jadi agenda. Kegiatan perjalanan alam ini tak heran sebagian besar dilakoni oleh para lelaki dan image maskulin muncul bagi penggiat kegiatan semacam ini. Padahal wanita tak kalah dalam bergelut di kegiatan yang sama.     ...

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Mountain girl
Been living her whole life in cold place Been suffering for her weak nose that often turns red whenever the temperature goes lower Been happy, sad and lonely that the night she wants to be alive turns to be quiet ones After 18 years then moving on to the cruel capital city to continue study Having difficulties and happy the same time She gets the life, the city that never sleeps and the dark circle in both eyes Forgive her...

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Danau T€man Hidup
Namanya Danau Taman Hidup, tapi aku sengaja menyebutnya Danau Teman Hidup. Menemukan danau ini butuh berhari hari perjalanan dan camp, bukannya lebay tapi begitulah adanya. Konon katanya danau ini indah saat tak berselimut kabut seperti saat kami datangi. Di tempat ini rusa, monyet dan berbagai jenis binatang sering datang untuk minum, tapi tak kami temui sesuai harap Hanya suara monyet monyet berkelahi yang tak kami temui wujudnya di sana, kabut pun mulai turun ketika kami sampai. Sudah hampir enam bulan...

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Happy 3rd Anniversary STAPALA 2012
   Halo 2012, tiga tahun sudah waktu berlalu meninggalkanmu. Rasanya baru kemarin aku mengalami banyak peristiwa sepanjang 365 harimu di hidupku, rasanya baru kemarin aku menggigil kedinginan di malam hari diklat di Kencana Luhur, rasanya baru kemarin bau belerang Kawah Ratu menyengat hidung di sela – sela pelantikan STAPALA 2012. Tepat tiga tahun yang lalu, 22 April 2012 kami ber 36 dilantik menjadi anggota baru organisasi pecinta alam kampus yang namanya STAPALA. Tahun 2013 kami ikut ke pelantikan anggota baru...

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Outdoor and the Equipments
      Speaking of the outdoor activities I’ve done before, when I was in my college life spending the money on a trip for buying the outdoor equipment was rarely be done. I’d rather borrow than buying cheap equips.  For the training to be STAPALA member, I got carrier borrowed from senior, so do the other equipments. Up until I became STAPALA member seniors told me not to buy outdoor equipment if it’s the low quality ones. Better to borrow...

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Mount Andong, neighbourhood hiking
Three years ago was 2012 when we had such a happy camping in Andong mount, yepp IKMM program for spending the time together. I was the cooking and food in charge although I wasn’t in the mood of it. Novia and Wildan came pick me to go there bringing the rest of the food while the other cooking ingredients had been brought by the truck our people riding. Our semester break was really worth to have the camp thing and...

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Sleeping with The Earth
the camp near Ranukumbolo Semeru last 2012, it looks like just neighbourhood moving in hahaha   our tent in fist pos of Argopuro last October preparing for food, things I love from camping    Why making yourself work hard to sleep outside in the open air? Why making yourself suffer to get the chance sleep in unpermanent place? Why do you keep doing those things? Those are the questions asked to us, some people called nature lover who love to...

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Things that Will Make You Come Back to Dieng
    The great view and good destination to visit when you're going to Dieng are the things that will make you come back there, again and again. Dieng is the highest village in Java, thats why its called " negeri di atas awan" in Indonesia. Many great spot you can come to when going to Dieng. They are Telaga Warna, Kawah Sikidang, Sikunir hill and Prau mount to see the sunrise, Candi Arjuna, worth for visit. 1. Sikunir and Prau...

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Yang Membuatku Rindu Pendakian
Perjalanan dengan berjalan kaki yang jauh dalam kebersamaan Rintik rintik hujan yang sempat memporak porandakan kesenangan canda tawa dan kesantaian berjalan Muka – muka yang mulai kelelahan Keringat bercucuran dan nafas yang semakin terengah saat jarak mulai jauh dari peradaban Langkah terseok atau merangkak karena jalur yang licin tak karuan Tawa sakit dan perih tapi geli karena bergelimpangan jatuh tergelincir Canda tawa di sekeliling camp yang dipenuhi gemerutuk suara gigi karena kedinginan Potong memotong bahan makanan dan masak bersama dengan...

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