Kehilangan dan runtuhnya semangat hidup, kerapkali terjadi ketika yang hilang dari hidup kita adalah orang yang terkasih dan paling menyokong kehidupan selama ini. Hal inilah yang terjadi kepadaku, sepanjang tahun 2023 kehidupan tak hentinya membuatku babak belur dan terseok seok. Belum genap sebulan pindah ke Jawa setelah sekian lama tinggal di Kalimantan tak serta merta membuat hidupku enak dan bahagia penuh seperti yang teman teman lain rasakan berkumpul bersama keluarga dan lengkap. Ibuku sakit parah hingga meninggal, depresi yang menimpaku,...

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Happy Birthday, Love!
To my most favorite human that I'm lately seeing We're incredibly weird together but you came to me in the most unexpected way It's lovely to hear you being cheesy It's great to know everything you share with me, your daily, your stories It's okay to have scars, part of life story you said And it's great to have you here with me now You're so sure about me and it still makes me amazed cause you nevel fail me...

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Day 28 Write About Loving Someone
Loving someone puts me in the position where sometimes I don't realize I'm able to do. I tend to give all of me when it comes to loving, name it my time, care, love and many, but without putting myself aside. In my language people tend to call me "bucin" since I sometimes show my love in a big amount people could notice. When I love someone, I close doors to other men and tend to mind my own business...

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Day 26 Your School
All my schools are in Magelang, till I turn 18 I didnt study far from home. Starting kindergarten happily, entering elementary school which turn my world upside down from my good rank to hell after i got into accident and experienced bullying that changed my life, junior high school that lift me up again and have so much fun to make friends again and again, senior high school in the city that's not so fun because I am in the...

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Day 23 A Letter to Someone – Broken Glass
Dear someone whose name I dont wanna mention Today's letter I'm writing for someone as the theme said, no need to mention the name but it's for you We've been quite on awkwardness for long and it feels better not to see you around Things probably are easy for you, to live your days without worrying anything I can't say I'm doing the whole things fine, I'm fine but not so fine There are thousand words I wanna say to...

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Day 22 Write About Today
It's Tuesday but my mind wandering about holiday, my canceled plans for Christmas and New Year event. I totally have no fixed plans now. Eating lontong sayur as breakfast today make my mood already, having my nice lunch meals also makes me happy, and talking while joking around Eksten always make my day. I'm happy to be around these people. Days went fast, I wanna start doing my session with personal trainer at gym but still not finding the right...

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Day 21 Write About Love
The theme is a bit heavy to write today. Love is the most beautiful feeling people may have. Love is something my parents have for me, my brothers give to me, eventhough its not in the sweetest way like others. Love isnt always being shown by sweet acts, sweet words, or promises. Love is struggling from parents to raise the kids, providing the needs for their life eventhough things seem hard, the tears in their prayers to ask God guide...

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